Exotic Shorthair Description

Exotic Shorthair Height

25-30 cm

Exotic Shorthair Weight

4-6 Kg

Exotic Shorthair Estimated Life

12-15 years

Exotic Shorthair Physical Features

  • Muscular body
  • Wide body
  • Small ear
  • Blue, green, copper eye shades
  • Short and thick hair

Exotic Shorthair General Features

Compassion for the family
Communication with Children
Communication with other Cats
Moulting rate
Intelligence Level
Energy Level
Meowing Tendency
Mental occupation
Physical Activity

Exotic Shorthairs are a cross between the American Shorthair and Persian cats. Some describe them as "Short-haired versions of Persian cats" because they have their cute, cuddly faces with large, bright eyes.

Exotic Shorthair History

Exotic Shorthairs were bred in America in the late 1950s, crossed with Persians to improve American Shorthairs. They were officially recognized by the Cat Breeders Association of America (CFA) in 1967.

Exotic Shorthair Personality and Character Traits

Exotic Shorthair cats generally have a calm, friendly and docile temperament. They are friendly with people and other pets, but tend to be quiet and introverted. They get along well with children and other pets.

Exotic Shorthair Physical Characteristics

Exotic Shorthair cats are usually medium to large in size, with a muscular body and a wide trunk. They have short, thick and eye-catching fur. The head is broad and round, and the eyes are round and small. Their eyes are usually blue, green or copper in color.

Exotic Shorthair General Care

Exotic Shorthair Feather Care

Exotic Shorthair cats have short and thick hair. This breed does not shed easily and brushing once a week is usually enough. This helps to remove dead hair and prevent tangles.

Exotic Shorthair Exercise

Exotic Shorthair cats are generally calm and peaceful animals, but they also need regular exercise. Playing with toys and engaging in activities such as tunnels and climbing trees will help them maintain their physical health and stay mentally alert at the same time.

Exotic Shorthair Health

Exotic Shorthair cats are generally healthy, but they can be genetically predisposed to some health problems. They are often known to be prone to health problems such as respiratory problems, heart disease and dental problems. Therefore, veterinary check-ups should not be neglected.

Exotic Shorthair Nutrition

Exotic Shorthair cats should be fed quality dry and wet food. A diet with enough protein, vitamins and minerals is important to maintain their ideal weight. Each cat's nutritional needs vary depending on age, weight and health status. Therefore, you should talk to your veterinarian to determine the most suitable diet.

Did You Know These?

  • Exotic Shorthair cats can be prone to a number of health problems, including respiratory problems, dental problems and eye irritations, especially due to their facial shape.
  • Exotic Shorthair cats can come in a range of different colors and patterns. There are more than 100 color combinations available, including white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, cinnamon, silver and gold.
  • Because these cats have short hair, they need much less care than Persians.
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